Welcome to the blog and I hope you find amazing opportunity on New World New You. In short, the goal of this website is to share all of my own research in finding ways to reach financial independence and share it with you to also reach financial independence to live the life of your dreams.
Since my late teens, I have been reading financial books, reports, and letters from financial publication companies; listening to podcasts, webinars/seminars, YouTubers; attended live events, gatherings, groups; and subscribed to different companies that offer financial advice on all types of investments and ways to gain wealth. Through all this information, I have taken action and continue to expand, learn, and take more action to be able to reach my financial and life goals. I am no expert and I am no certified financial planner/CPA, but I would like to help others learn the ropes of money, currency, and finances.
I am going to have foundational posts so you can understand the basics of creating wealth for your family, friends, and yourself. I am going to have guides, recommendations, and information on the who, what, when, where, and why on all things finance and money related. I am going to shed light of how financially unstable the United States of America (with assistance from other experts) and the global economy are. All of this is in preparation for you to be able to be become financially free and prepared for this New World we are facing in the coming years to create the New You.